Message from Deveopment Officer.

Dear Members,
I hope that you are all fit, well and raring to go!
A new season is about to start and now is the time to plan ahead and get ready to boost your club membership by encouraging new people to take up our great sport!
If you are one of the clubs that are suffering falling membership numbers, I would just like to remind you that help is there, you just need to ask! Ian GILL from the Bowls Development Alliance and myself are available to discuss any issues you have and help where we can.
All clubs should consider taking part in:-
The ‘BIG BOWLS WEEKEND’ is coming soon!  The dates for the official event is the Bank Holiday weekend of 27th, 28th & 29th May 2022. Keep an eye on the BCGBA website to register your clubs’ interest and obtain the downloadable posters! YOU COULD HOLD A BIG BOWLS OPEN DAY before or in place of the above event.
Follow the above by taking part in running a ‘BOWL FOR HEALTH’ course. Last year 3 clubs recruited in excess of 60 new bowlers, the majority of whom will be bowling competitively this year!
Please don’t just sit back moaning about our Sport, and your club in particular, deteriorating. Stand up and do something about it! Invite anyone and everyone down to your club to try our Sport, Lets see more teams being formed rather than hearing of teams/clubs folding!
You can contact Ian Gill or myself by email:-

William R. DOW

MCCGBA Development Officer