It is with deep regret that I have to report the passing of Harold Taylor who died on the 9th of November 2020. Harold loved Crown Green Bowls and spent most of his life either playing or in administration. Locally he was one of the mainstays at Brown Edge BC in St. Helens. He was responsible for the formation of the Merseyside Referees Society being their Secretary for many years. He was also a Life Member of the B.C.G.B.A. Referees Society. For his devotion to the County he was made President of Merseyside for the years 2000/2001. His funeral details are not yet available. RIP Harold.

Ron Holt

Local Scam

I wish to draw your attention to a scam which I feel originates locally. I received an e mail allegedly from Roy Cooke ( Merseyside President and Safe Guarding Officer) which contained a request to assist him with a project. I replied that I would assist and the following day received another e mail which stated that he was planning to surprise some members of staff with a gift and that he would like me to go to a local supermarkets and purchase 6 x £100 Google Play Cards and when purchased I had to take photographs of the PIN number on the card and the Payment Activation receipt. This means that the sender of the e mail benefits to the tune of £600 in this case and you are considerably out of pocket. Not having any experience with these cards I went out of curiosity to Morrisons to have a look at them. I didn”t do anything about them at the time but when I returned home I rang Roy and as expected he said that he didn”t know anything about the e mails but added that he had heard of a similar scam some time ago. Be very careful if you receive similar e mails, the MO might change a bit but if you agree to act as requested you could be out of pocket. Take care.

Ron Holt