To all Clubs in Merseyside/N Cheshire
A Safeguarding Children & Adults Course is to be held at Oxton Conservative Club on Friday 29th April at 2pm. If you have already previously attended a Safeguarding Course you do not need to attend, but if your Club has a new Safeguarding Officer, or if you have any members who may be dealing with vulnerable adults and children as part of their bowling activities, then I would highly recommend this course. It will be run by Mark Bircumshaw, Chief Executive of the BCGBA and will cost £15 – payment to be made on the day. To attend please complete the booking form by clicking on the following link – Safeguarding Children & Adults Course Booking Form. Information of safeguarding can be found on the BDA website at Home – Bowls Development Alliance. Please note that the Safeguarding policies that can be adopted by your club have been updated and separated into one for adults and one for children. You may wish to review your club’s policy (s) in the light of this.