I wish to draw your attention to a scam which I feel originates locally. I received an e mail allegedly from Roy Cooke ( Merseyside President and Safe Guarding Officer) which contained a request to assist him with a project. I replied that I would assist and the following day received another e mail which stated that he was planning to surprise some members of staff with a gift and that he would like me to go to a local supermarkets and purchase 6 x £100 Google Play Cards and when purchased I had to take photographs of the PIN number on the card and the Payment Activation receipt. This means that the sender of the e mail benefits to the tune of £600 in this case and you are considerably out of pocket. Not having any experience with these cards I went out of curiosity to Morrisons to have a look at them. I didn”t do anything about them at the time but when I returned home I rang Roy and as expected he said that he didn”t know anything about the e mails but added that he had heard of a similar scam some time ago. Be very careful if you receive similar e mails, the MO might change a bit but if you agree to act as requested you could be out of pocket. Take care.
Ron Holt